Avenue du Havre, BP. 4293, Pointe-Noire, République du Congo.

Our enterprise Welcome to GROUPTRAD

Founded in 1988, GROUPTRAD is a grouping of several companies operating in the following sectors :

  • Freight forwarder, Transit and Logistics (S.A.T.)
  • Air freight (Africa Airlines)
  • Construction (S.I.A.)
  • Construction and Civil engineering (S.A.G.I.)
  • Food distribution (S.A.D.I., S.A.D.D.I. et C.C.C.G.)

The Group is present today : in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), in the Republic of Cameroon, in the Central African Republic (CAR), and in the Republic of Congo (RC). The group's diversification strategy ensures its stability and its current and future development.